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Today s meditation was about creating space, silence, clamness and opening up. A great day to you all!

David Reynolds
David Reynolds
Oct 28, 2023

Well done Maria 🙌🏼 please read my recent post about the fruits of meditation, and keep in mind that the first couple weeks of establishing a meditation routine can be difficult, but it’s easy once we’re used to it. 💪🏼

The reason it can be difficult during the first few weeks is that prior to committing to sitting down in silence once a day, we were living chaotic lives of doing this, that, this, that 😵‍💫

And so the mind needs some time to readjust to its new peaceful surroundings. It will be grateful that you are doing this and will give you much joy.



Have you ever experienced the lasting impact of teachers who made you feel humiliated when you got something wrong? These negative experiences can leave behind emotional scars that affect your self-esteem and overall well-being. But there is a powerful tool to help you heal and regain your inner balance: meditation. Here's a guide to creating a meditation routine specifically designed for beginners to dissolve the negative energy from such past experiences.

1. Find a Quiet Space:

Start by selecting a quiet, comfortable space where you can meditate without distractions. Ensure you won't be interrupted during your practice.

2. Set Your Intention:

Before you begin, take a moment to set your intention for your meditation. Visualize letting go of the negative energy and finding inner peace and self-acceptance.

3. Choose a Comfortable Posture:

For me, meditation started as a way of addressing restlessness and stress, but it has opened the door over time to emotional healing and even access to intuition.

However, the basics remain as important as ever and I have to remind myself to step back at times when feeling stressed and just breath through the nose and belly.

David Reynolds
David Reynolds
Oct 24, 2023

Wow that’s powerful about the basics being as important back then as well as now

It’s the same with learning the drums- no matter how much complicated advanced stuff I could do, I’d always need to go back and practice the simplest of of stuff like the single stroke roll. The less perfect the basics were the further I would slide down away from advanced….


Today, I found myself meditating in the morning and during the evening.

I also used meditation either in between tasks or when I start to feel hectic, not much, 3-5 min. But it's enough

It creates a space, a bit of a distance..

The morning meditation was full with insights, I had to stop to take a pen and paper .

The evening meditation was very rich in..something else, in energy soothing, centering, a strong presence, especially in my hands..

Good night to everyone!

David Reynolds
David Reynolds
Oct 24, 2023

I believe that meditation is naturally becoming part of your life because it is a respite for the person who has many balls to juggle. 🤹

Putting those balls down and resting is a wonderful thing to do, and can be done at certain point sin the day as well.

Most people think that in order to be the best juggler, they must literally juggle from dawn til dusk, but these people are worse than the jugglers who take breaks. And life isn’t all about juggling anyway- it is about love, friendship, experiences, adventure, etc.

During meditation there may be a stubborn sense of urgency, as I said in a recent post, that we all seem to carry. But this is melted away when we meditate deeper- and keep meditation as part our lives. It becomes clear that we can be at peace in the present moment.

Life can be random and hectic, but embracing diligence regarding our meditation routine will allow all it’s fruits to grow. And those fruits- which must be allowed to grow- are the benefits of meditation that everybody has been raving about since 5000BC up until the present day.

By the way, there is no better way to naturally radiate elegance than being a daily meditation practitioner- it is perfect for supporting, maintaining, and developing humble confidence.

I wish you all the best, and continue to keep up your journal- it is early days yet,




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